
Wine Marketing 1

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早前讀了一個由中大舉辦的短期課程 Introduction to Wine Marketing,為了令自己的學費不至倒錢落海,寫點內容撮要。

Course had covered some major yet basic marketing principles and theories.

1. 5Ps of Wine Marketing
Besides the traditional 4Ps (Product, Placement/Distribution, Price, Promotion), Perception (which is the positioning of your wine) is added to it.
Positioning means how your product differentiate from others, hence the perception of the product.

2. Consumer Segmentation
Segmentation in wine marketing is/can be different from traditional ones, like age group, geographical distribution. We mainly use BEHAVIORAL and PSYCHOGRAPHICAL INVOLVEMENT segmentation.

2.1 Behavioral Consumer Segmentation
According to customer's buying habits and usage of a product, 4 categories divided,
1. Core drinkers: 60% of consumption
2. Marginal drinkers: TARGET of marketers, to make them into core one.
3. Non-wine drinkers: younger, male (why? they drink beers!)
4. Abstainers: such as for religious reasons

2.2 Psychographic Consumer Segmentation
By level of involvement in wine,
1. Connoisseurs: high involvement, wine collectors
2. Aspirational drinkers: wine relates to customers' personal image
3. Beverage drinkers: wine is an another beverage
BUT, involvement =/= consumption rate.

Motivations based on the nature of the occasions,
1. Social wine drinkers
2. Image-oriented wine drinkers
3. Ritual (儀式)-oriented wine drinkers: incl. wine collector
4. Premium wine drinkers
5. Basic weekend wine drinkers

3. The Dissonance/Attribution Model
Dissonance - mismatch
Attribution - given cerdit
It is a response model which follows the opposite sequence from normal.
(通 常"normal"的次序係learn -> feel -> do, 但酒方面會係 do -> feel -> do, 即係客人要先買 [do / conative],再feel,再learn去支持買酒的決定;而呢個model就係要減少customer dissonance 的感覺)

Cognitive: learn, awareness, information
Affective: feel, desire
Conative: (action with motives - by learn/feel/etc) do, trial, rejection

The Model for wine:
Perceived produce differentiation - low
Topical involvement - low
Hence, conative -> affective -> cognitive

Implications of the model:
1. Reduction of dissonance: To convince that you made a wise choice
2. Initiate trial of wine
3. Before-and-after-sales communication

My notes on the Model:
I think this model is not 100% true on wine marketing case, particularly in educated sector (which sometimes it is the target customers). In an educated market, the target customers have already had a general picture (perception) of particular wines. Plus in such market, it is usually more mature, marketers tend to use other (may be called, creative way) ways to change the model, such as using PR, mass media influences, soft-sales & etc. My example is the movie "Sideways", which depicts story of pinot noir in California. Movies also add values (emotional) to the wine too.

My notes:
1. Further reading:
Wine Marketing articles
by the Head of Wine Marketing Research, Professor Larry Lockshin, writes a monthly column for WBM Australia's Wine Business Magazine.

Next articles:
Wine Marketing 2
Wine Marketing 3
Wine Marketing - Case study of Japanese market


